Matt and I are daily amazed at this little guys' growth! This morning we started counting the words he says now, which we think is at 20, and literally a week ago I would've only been able to count 5! It is so fun at this stage because they get so excited when they learn a word or sign and then when you affirm them with repeating it and cheering for them they get all giddy and excited! It's adorable. So my favorite scenario that's happened a few times now is at dinner. This is usually a stressful time because Sam is serious about success when it comes to being served his food, especially dinner. Well I think he's turning a corner now of having a little more patience, but the last few nights when he saw me beginning the dinner process (reaching for pans, getting out the ingredients) he follows me into the kitchen and uses one of his new words, "diiiiinnrrrr" and starts stomping his feet and clapping his hands as if to say "good job Mom, keep cookin'!" Then when I open the fridge he gets right behind the door to shut it closed (which he thinks is being really helpful because I asked him once to close the fridge). Last night after this routine when the fridge opened he reached in and grabbed a tupperware of tortellini, handed it to meand starting clapping and stomping saying "noooo-lll" (noodle). My other favorite part of this process while stomping for food is I tell him to say please and he says "peas" and pinches his nipples over and over (the sign for please is rubbing your hand in a circle on your chest). Matt and I love to watch his intense emotions of life (sounds familiar) like when Matt and Jake start chasing around the house, or especially when the an outside door opens. Sam starts in with "DO (sounds like dough) DO! DO! DO!" and the arms go pumping up and down with a speed walk! He also does this arm pump right after he throws a ball and says "throw" which also comes out as DO. One of Sam's favorite activities is playing outside, especially with a hose and in mud. We got the boys rain boots the other day and as soon as we go outside, Sam make a b-line for his boots and brings them to me saying "booot. boooot." Yesterday he worked very hard for probably 20 minutes carrying chunks of clumped dirt and dumping them into his bucket of water that he filled up. He loves to play with toys, quite content doing it all by himself. Right now he loves his ball popper (but shoves everything that fits down there: batteries, forks, blocks...). He also loves blocks and any book about animals. He is developing some good dexterity like opening lids to food and drinks (greaaaat). Also he is amazing with a spoon and fork. He really gets it and prefers to eat with one than bare handed. All of these things are so different from how Jake was/is that it is so fun to see there different personalities! He is just such a joy and delight to our family (most of the time ;))
Life In Reverse
10 years ago
hi-lar-i-ous. ok, so WHERE did you get the fireman boots? Trey and Tyson must have them.