..Jake said the sweetest thing yesterday.
So the behind-the-story is that right after Christmas I had Jake help me go through all the toys to pick ones they don't play with and pass them to children who don't have toys to play with. No surprise, he picked mostly lame McDonald's happy meal toys or parts to toys that were missing parts, etc.
Meanwhile, everyday I deal with a stubborn, often hard-hearted little boy who laughs when his brother cries (especially when he created the injury), sneaks treats behind his back and lies to me about it, and disobeys his parents, often doing the opposite of what we ask. Sometimes he screams in my face, he demands what he wants "RIIIGHT NOW!" and all the other fun 'I'm about to be three' moments that discourage me from thinking he is never gonna change.
So the glimmer of hope...we're on the couch reading one of his favorites since he was a little tike, "I am a Bunny". It is special because Jill Roth, my friend Amy's mom, gave it to Jake when he was born and wrote a message in it that it was her kids' favorite book so she thought he would like it to. About half way through the book, Jake said, "mommy, we need to give this book to a little kid who doesn't have any books." I looked at Matt and we both froze. I got tears in my eyes and we both told Jake how sweet that was that he would put another kids needs before his own. I have to admit that I automatically thought, "really? THIS book?" but when your kid has a moment of feeling like he needs to give THAT item to a needy child, you don't ask twice!
Life In Reverse
10 years ago
That is SO sweet! I do that with toys; wanting to keep certain ones...definitely not the message I want the boys to learn!