Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jake's First Day of Preschool

Tuesday, September 1 was Jake's first day at Crossroads Preschool. I was able to stay pretty well collected the way there until I parked and saw parents walking there kids to their doors and taking pictures. I started getting choked up. I turned to pray with Jake before we got out and my voice was so shaky, I was waiting from him to be like, "mom, what's wrong!?" but luckily he didn't notice or ask. I walked him to the yellow door with his first day project-a self "portrait" using around-the-house supplies. He had no problem walking in and when he saw the computer he ran right to the chair and said, "hey, when do we get to learn this!?" and started typing away! It got a little sad for a moment when some little girls cried when their moms left and Jake had a perplexed look on his face. I thought 'oh great, here we go' but he was fine.

Sam and I had a great one-on-one date and I look SO forward to this alone time each week with him. He was so happy and smiley all day and had so much fun playing without struggle and with things HE enjoys doing! He played outside until his heart was content with the hose and just being busy at work, and then he "helped" me with dishes at home; again more water, which is his specialty!

When I picked Jake up, he and his buddy Tommy had had a great day but had very little to say about what they did. All Jake could report is he played inside, he played outside, and he did that thing where you put the thing in and you look through the thing and you click the thing (turns out it's that binocular thing with picture slides). So I quickly got a dose of my future as a mom of a boy AND a Shores...NO DETAILS!


  1. yay Jake! Aunt Amy is very proud of you! :)

  2. I can't believe he started Preschool!! Yikes!! Wasn't it just yesterday that we were '05 Degrees groupies? :)
