Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A trip down memory lane


Matt asked me to find the pictures we took months ago of our desk we're trying to sell on craig's list. I found it, and an hour later am still sorting through old pics I had saved on the zip drive when our computer was on the fritz. I came across this picture of Jake watching the ultrasound when Sam was, I believe 34 weeks. It was so dark in the room, and in the pic that I just dismissed it as a bad shot, but thanks to Picasa editing, I was able to lighten it up and really see it for the first time! I remember how priceless this moment was! Brings tears to my eyes! Jake would've been about 21 months in this picture.
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  1. Whoa, that is ONE BIG BELLY! Can you're tiny body really have a belly that big? Guess so! So sweet!

  2. Awwww...very precious! Seriously sis, what is our deal with the HUGE bellies!? AND you were laying down...crazy. Sweet pic for sure!

  3. I know I could not believe how big it was at 34 WEEkS!
