Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Determined Three Year Old

This morning at 7:30 Jake came running in his room where Sam and I were to announce that he wants to watch 101 Dalmations in his bedroom with us (his demands have become quite specific lately). I reminded him that he doesn't have a TV in his room. He knew that, but that's why we were going to move the family room TV IN to his bedroom. I explained that it's not that easy, there's power cords and cable cords and stuff (because really I don't know all that's involved with a TV, I just know I wasn't moving it in his room!) But he was not satisfied with my answer. He assured me that moving it in would be NO problem. He showed me the power outlet we could use in his room, and the cable outlet (still there from when we first moved in) and then he explained that we would just push the TV right through this bedroom doorway of his. I asked him if he knew any other 3 year olds with a TV in their bedroom (I was getting desperate). That didn't stop him either, so he pulled me into the family room to show me the progress he has made in making this plan happen. As you see in the picture, he already managed to get it out from the entertainment center and was fiddling with the cords ("let see, this one goes here and this just goes here, like that!")he said to himself. I was laughing and of course taking a picture which didn't help my firm and final NO, but it was just so funny how determined and serious he was about it!
But I did use the opportunity to sweep an awesome quantity of dust bunnies and a few toys up!

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