Me: Jake! Mia's baby brother was born!
Jake: Out of her TUMMY!?
me: no, out of her mommy, Amy's tummy.
Jake: Woah. That's WILD!
Jake walking up the ladder to his bed, complaining of bedtime says, "I'm not a sleeping guy, I'm a wake-up guy"
Me: Jake, don't lock your brother in your room
Jake: (kindof under his breath) That's what big boys do, we lock our brothers in.
My sister Amy took Trey inside to discipline him when we were playing outside in the water this morning and Jake said to my mom and I, "he has a BAD attitude!" We both tried really hard not to laugh. He wasn't though, he was serious!
I told Jake to sit in his room and not come out until he could have a happy heart (about who knows what that time) and he says from his room crying, "this is NOT cool!"
Last night at dinner Jake was trying to scoop the noodles (not the vegetables) out of the serving dish but the noodles kept sliding around. He said, "cummon...come to papa!"
...And the wonderful word Sam picked out of ALLLLLLL the words he hears Jake say: "BUTT!!" He uses it whenever he wants to get Jake to laugh or me worked up. Usually in the car driving.
On an upnote he has also learned "Jesus". Whenever I sing "Jesus loves me this I know..." he rocks side to side and chimes in everytime it gets to "Jesus". Very sweet.
Oh other funny thing he's doing with words...he says the last part of many words like...he says the part in bold
(my) TURN! (while screaming at Jake usually)
those are the most common ones but the list goes that normal? I don't remember Jake doing that.
Life In Reverse
10 years ago
What funny boys! Oh Sam, just the beginning of picking up all kinds of choice things. Poor little brothers, they really have it rough.