Saturday, October 4, 2008

What's the saying, "A Well Fed Baby is a Happy Baby"?


Well if it's not a saying, I will make it one! Sam ate more breakfast than Jake this morning, and I was thinking if I could always quantify their portions by the same foods, I would probably find this to be true most meals! Where does the kid put it!?!?! This morning Sam had 3 small blueberry muffins, a scrambled egg and a pluot (plum/apricot)! Jake had 1 1/2 small muffins and a starburst :) (the starburst if he ate the 2nd FULL muffin...isn't that pathetic!?)
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  1. My favorite part is that you gave Jake the Starbust. You really are after my parenting it!

  2. Classic...the Starburst incident is definitely one of those "I will never..." (fill in the blank) from pre-parenting days. And Sam, you are a HONEY!

  3. I'm going to go ahead and comment since I feel like kind of a snoop that I read your blog all the time and it always looks like only your sisters are reading it. Can't help myself . . . i love to read blogs :)
    I have the same situation with my boys except Davis is a great eater and Parker has made an entire food pyramid that only includes milk and some carbohydrates (cereal, granola, oatmeal, crackers). Maybe I should try Starburst!

  4. ...except that Starburst won't help the food pyramid! Glad to have another groupie to add to my 2! It's fun seeing "3 comments" It makes me feel like I hit the jackpot! Ohhh, I'm so sad.
