Yesterday in the car Matt said to the boys "who wants to go to the children's museum!?" Right after Jake said "I DO!" Sam raised his hand straight next to his head and said "I DEW!" It was the cutest thing, so of course since then we ask as many "who.." questions as possible to get him to say it. We set this one up right when Matt was taking them swimming. You can see Jake is totally over us saying it, although he has been a trooper playing the game right along with us and loving it. To continue the "Sam blog" entry, since I always have stories about Jake, I will share other cute latests of Sam. His favorite passion in life, besides swimming and being a total maniac in the pool, is reading. He will bring books to me and go from insistent to angry if I don't drop what I'm doing immediately and READ! He will pull my legs away from the sink area when I'm washing dishes. When he's sitting in my lap waiting for me to get started he even starts to shake until I begin reading and then his body calms down. It's SO strange! If I lift my head from the book to talk to Matt or Jake he will pull my neck downward so my eyes go back on the page! Sound familiar, Mom? (rumor is I used to control my mom's head too to get her attention) A funny thing he does when I'm laying on my back is he'll strattle my chest, stomach or even neck to sit vertically. He may have a book in his hand, facing backward or if he faces forward he starts bouncing really hard and saying "trot!" or "bronco!" (two songs I do where they bounce on my lap) As soon as Sam knows a meal is coming, or he thinks it should be, he ups the volume to a scream. He reaches into the sippy cup and bowl drawer to hand me the proper diningware needed, which apparently he assumes is the only thing holding me back from getting him the food or drink. He also scales his highchair and hangs from it while screaming at me. It's good times. Lots of screaming and demanding. Speaking of climbing, in the last week he has climbed out of his crib and up to the second shelf (above 3 cupboards)of the linen closet. He also climbs onto the kitchen table and chairs, Jake's top bunk but in all cases gets stuck and fortunately asks for help so far. His language has exploded lately. His vocabulary is great which makes communicating a lot easier. He mimics everything we and his brother say (greaaaat). The funniest this week has been, of course the "I do" and then he took a sip of water and smiled and said "tasty!" Because of his obsessant reading he knows just about every animal in all his animal books. He likes to add an "e" sound to the end of several words like hugy, kissy, jumpy, milky. My last Sam favorite to mention is his elbow. When he is climbing up, out or even down, he shouts "ELBOW! ELBOW!" This started with him learning how to climb out of the pool in his swim lessons at Hubbards. We teach "elbow, elbow, tummy, knee). The other funny elbow thing is whenever he gets excited, especially when he runs, he tightens his left shoulder, tucks his left arm, bent and runs or jumps or whatever he's doing that's exciting. SO CUTE! He's a real joy to this family! . . . By the way, if you check Jake out in the background of the video and then as it ends he shouts "Mommy," that's because he just realized he has pockets in his swim trunks (he was thrilled). Random.
Life In Reverse
10 years ago
I don't know which is funnier, Sam saying that or Jake being excited about pockets! :)