Saturday, November 29, 2008

Free Child Labor


Jake was so excited about decorating the tree for the first year, it was great! Matt and I just sat back and watched as he took out all the ornaments and hung them one by one, often saying under his breath, "I didn't think I could do but I DID it!" Notice the "grouping" of similar ornaments in the same spots and that they're all in the center third of the tree on the front only! I didn't have the heart to guide him, I just thought it was so cute that he was so into it!
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  1. Adorable, and I loved the forced smile...did he pick that up from Michael? ;)

  2. See . . that is why you are a good mommy - I tried to make this into a fun family moment but I got to OCD about the tree being "even" that all the ornaments on two branches just wasn't working for me. I did let them put "their" couple of ornaments where ever they wanted - then I finished.
